I have fond memories of going to church as a kid. I remember singing “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so” in Sunday school opening time. I remember thoroughly enjoying vacation Bible school during the summer, where, in the parking lot that had been turned into a first-century marketplace from the time of Jesus, we made crafts. I remember having fun at lock-ins in middle school held in the church and playing hide and seek in the church building (even in the sanctuary!).
Church was a part of my happy childhood.
In 9th grade my faith became less about what my parents brought me to, and more my own personal desire. My faith started to become my own. For the first time, I felt a personal connection to God. I was confirmed (gave a public profession of faith during a church service) around this time. I remember feeling really good about my confirmation. People told me that I had a smile on my face the whole time.
Church helped me form a personal connection with God.
This experience in 9th grade made me throw myself into every faith opportunity I could find. I went to 2 youth groups, one at my church, and one at the Baptist church with friends I had made from school. Some Sundays I would attend 2 worship services. I also would attend a Wednesday morning Bible study at my high school with friends. At all of these places I made friends. All of this for a shy, introverted kid.
Church helped me make friends.
During my college years I was searching for the right church home. The church I grew up in didn’t quite fit anymore. So I started looking for other churches to attend on the campus of Western Michigan University, which I was attending. My search was fueled by a need to be around people my age and worship in a different way than the church I had grown up in. However, none of the churches and worship services I tried fit. After graduating college, I returned to the church I had grown up in. Eventually it became my church home. More often than not, with whatever that was going on in my life, I would get an answer to help me. It could happen from the sermon, or talking with someone after church, or from the music. It happened enough that I knew it wasn’t a coincidence. I was getting answers to prayers.
Church gave me answers.
At the church I grew up in, I helped start a Bible study with my young adult peers, feeling a need to be with other people my age. The need to gather with other people like me led me to attend an LGBTQ Bible study in the Kalamazoo area. And that Bible study led me to attending a Christian conference, the Gay Christian Network conference, which led to my call to ministry. The church I grew up in encouraged my call to ministry, giving me other opportunities to lead and serve the church. I was provided with small ways to ‘try out’ my call to ministry.
Church helped me find purpose.
Today as a pastor, I get to witness all of these things I’ve written about, happening to other people in varying shades and degrees. I get to witness the good that Christ United does. I do believe in the power and good things of the church.
I have hope for the Church.
Peace and blessings,
Pastor Alex