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Christ United

We welcome all people to experience the unconditional love of Jesus Christ.

Sunday Worship

10 a.m.

Fellowship time with refreshments after service

Meditative Worship

Learn more

We offer small groups and educational opportunities throughout the week, in addition to Sunday morning and Wednesday evening worship.


Ecumenical Prayer Service - Friday, January 17, at University United Methodist Church
As part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity celebrated from January 18 - January 25, an Ecumenical Prayer Service, co-officiated by Bishop David Bard of the United Methodist Church of Michigan, Bishop Earl Boyea of the Catholic Diocese of Lansing, and Bishop Craig Satterlee of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Northwest Lower Michigan Synod, will take place at University United Methodist on Friday, January 17, at 6:30PM.  Fellowship and refreshments will follow.  University United Methodist is located at 1120 S. Harrison, East Lansing. 


Worship Coordinator Schedule for first half of 2025
Teri M. has put together the worship coordinator schedule for next year. If you have any questions please let her know. Thanks Teri for putting this schedule together!

Posted January 6

​Collecting Items for the Homeless
For the month of December and January we'll be collecting items for those in need. There is a bin located in the lobby on the upper level to collect these items.



List of items needed: - Body Wipes - Bug spray - First aid (large bandaids & gause) - Socks - Hats - Gloves - Handwarmers - Soap/ shampoo (small bottles) - Deodorant - Shelf stable food (cans with pop tops) (Bigger asks) - Tents - Blankets - Flashlights - Trash bags (13 & 30 gal) - Backpacks - Batteries - Campfire cook wear - Wagons/ carts


January 13 at 1:30pm (and every Monday thereafter)

The Chosen Watch Party and Discussion. Contact the church for location.

January 19:

Annual Budget Meeting

Vote on Welcome Statement
The budget for 2025 will be presented after the worship service and we will vote on a new Welcome Statement.


Faith Word for
the Week:


Where has God brought this out in your life? Where has God caused you to bring this out in someone else’s life?


Share your experience during the worship service on Sunday morning or on Facebook.



Kiva-style seating brings warmth and encourages participation. Everyone has opportunity to provide motivation, present God's Word and offer prayers. Children collect gifts for God’s work, set the Lord’s Table and more. Or you can choose to quietly soak it in. There's no pressure here.

Join us for worship Sunday at 10:00 followed by coffee with friends.


Music brings art and joy to worship. Professional musicians lead traditional hymns, contemporary songs and special music. We value diverse musical styles and offer space to host events.


Everyone is invited to participate in communion or to simply contemplate during this time.

Message From the Pastor
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